5 Good Reasons to use PEFA™ On Demand

Why would you be interested in PEFA On Demand?

Here are Five Good Reasons:

  1. Provide your customers with the safety, reliability, validity, practicality and utility of the JobFit System PEFA - show them that you are committed to Industry Best Practice, scientific rigour and compliance with anti-discrimination legislation

  2. Generate accurate, objective, professional, useful reports in minutes - automated scoring and recommendations improve consistency, particularly for inexperienced practitioners or when you might just be in a hurry

  3. Make the most of your JobFit System PEFA training - you can use PEFA On Demand and the JobFit System PEFA methodology with any of your customers, and you set the price

  4. Use it anywhere, anytime over the web – no downloads and always the current version

  5. We take care of the ‘IT stuff’ - automatic file access with high end security, backup, and redundancy systems to keep you online and your data safe

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