About the JobFit System PEFA™

What is it?

The JobFit System Pre-/Periodic Employment Functional Assessment (PEFA) is a Job-Specific short-form Functional Capacity Evaluation.  Assessments typically take around an hour and are conducted by Registered JobFit System Services Partners, including Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists who have successfully completed the JobFit System training program.

What is in the report?

All PEFA™s contain a musculoskeletal screen and fitness assessment and then job-specific Postural and Dynamic Tolerances and Material Handling.  All PEFA On Demand™ Worker Reports include:

  •  Summary of the worker’s demonstrated Functional Abilities
  •  ‘JobFit’ of their abilities against the provided Job Demands
  •  Objective Overall Score as a result of the ‘JobFit’ comparison
  •  Recommendations to improve worker capacity and reduce injury risk

How is the jobfitting done?

The ‘JobFit’ in PEFA On Demand™ uses the patented JobFit System job matching process.

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